Povedali a napísali študenti - zasmejte sa
to get a parachute = byť vyhodený z práce
impossible to work = byť PN
to be too old for a job = byť na dôchodku
Second Hand of School Director = zástupca riaditeľa školy
I go behind my friend = išiel som za svojím priateľom
horrible me angry = strašne ma hnevá
togetherpupil = spolužiak
That was his eminem. (má byť enemy) = nepriateľ
The building is on the other page of the river. = Budova je na druhej strane rieky.
I`s = môj (má byť my)
Born to you? = Pálí vám to?
ground mother = stará mama
no back ticket = jednosmerný lístok
Yours fainthfully
We are going to fly backward by plane.
behind moment = za chvíľu
He married a window.
I play volejball advice. = Hrám volejbal rada.
At hairdresser´s they cut your head.
Nobody didn´t see they never.
didnt´s day of work = 1.máj
She guess with her sister. = Háda sa so svojou sestrou.
She has good stamps from the test. = Má dobré známky z testu.
Mum bought garniture breads. = Mama kúpila obložené chlebíčky.
I admire my mum, because she does everything wit digest. = Obdivujem mamu, lebo robí všetko s chuťou.
travelling rush = cestovný ruch
I was on concentration. = Bola som na sústredení.
We have two postmans on the bed. = Máme dva poštáre na posteli.
Big night = Veľká noc
mountain snack = horalka
pack a girl = zbaliť dievča
On summer I very advice... = Na lete mám rada...
translated potatoes = prekladané zemiaky
I must have a reset = musím si oddýchnuť
Interesting places in the USA ... GRAND CANON
Australia is divided into COLONIES
We were going after the mountains.
behind two years = za dva roky
Freezer = rozprávka Mrazík